Top Five Saves - #1 Paloma Thrives
When Animal Protection Officers first found Paloma they thought she had already died. She was found on her side in a cardboard box, covered in what may have been green, agricultural pesticide, and crawling with ticks. She opened her eyes to look up at them and they knew they had to act quickly to save this tiny chihuahua. Back at the Pima Animal Care Center clinic, the vet team worked fast to get her clean, warm, and stable. It was quickly discovered that she had a 4% Packed Cell Volume (PCV)—35% or lower is indicative of anemia.
Paloma on the day she was saved.
Hundreds of ticks, at all life stages, were removed from all over her body. They had been slowly draining her of life. She was so weak that she could hardly stand and had so little blood to give that a full panel couldn’t be done. Her only chance was an emergency blood transfusion.
Friends of PACC was able to take immediate action to save Paloma’s life thanks to support from our donors. She was transported to a local veterinarian where she received a blood transfusion and overnight observation. The very next morning her PVC was back up to 15% and she was stable enough to return to PACC for her ongoing care. As soon as she was well enough, she went into a loving foster home through PACC’s record-setting foster program to continue her recovery.
Paloma in her first foster home with her favorite boy.
With time and loving care, Paloma started to open up to her foster family. She loved sitting with her human foster brother while he played video games and when it was time to eat she would spin and wag her tail in joy. In her second foster home she adored the other little dogs and once she came around to her foster dad she would spend her evenings perched on his shoulder, watching TV. Her second foster home fell in love with her and decided to give her a forever home. Now she is part of the family and living it up!
Her new mom had this to share:
“She is over the moon in love with our grandson and does a happy dance every time she sees him. But she has definitely turned into a daddy's girl. Paloma is a very sweet girl who worked her way into our hearts the day we brought her home. She is smart, sensitive, loving, fun, and so brave in spite of the trauma she endured. Paloma now spends her days lounging on the couch (or on our lap) and playing with her canine siblings. She loves to spend time outdoors with us running around her big back yard. Her and the gang love to chase lizards and birds. Paloma will have a very special Christmas this year and for all years to come. She is one special girl.”
Your support helps us empower Pima Animal Care Center to save more lives than ever before. Because of you, pets like Paloma have a second chance through critical specialty medical care, foster programming, and so much more.
Will you help us save our community’s abandoned, neglected, and abused pets by making a gift today?