Life-Saving, by the Numbers
It’s only with community investment that Friends of PACC is able to provide direct support to the more than 19,000 pets that enter Pima Animal Care Center every year. Explore the lifesaving work our donors make possible in the reports below.
FY 2024
The 2024 Friends of PACC ImPACCt Report highlights the significant strides made by Friends of PACC in supporting Pima Animal Care Center's mission throughout fiscal year 2024. This comprehensive report showcases our efforts in enhancing animal welfare, strengthening community bonds, and driving innovative programs that save lives. Key achievements include expanding foster and adoption initiatives, securing vital funding for medical care and shelter improvements, and engaging the community through educational outreach and volunteer programs. By fostering a culture of compassion and dedication, Friends of PACC has made a tangible impact, so that countless animals find loving homes and receive the care they deserve.
PACC's main focus the past year was to increase pet adoptions, reunite pets with their families, and to support families to keep their pets. The Pima County residents were supported with food and pet supply drives and no-cost microchip, vaccination, and spay and neuter events. As a result, over 19,097 families opened their homes to a new or foster pet or reunited with their pet leading to 91.3% of al pets entering the shelter leaving alive.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Another historic year of life-saving in Pima County ended with a more than 91% save rate for Pima Animal Care Center. This is one of the highest success rates in the nation for a major, municipal shelter. Thanks to our community’s support, more pets are being saved than ever before. Read some of their stories and see a breakdown of our financials for the 2019 fiscal year by clicking the button below.
It has been three years since the shelter’s renovation following the historic voter approval of proposition 415 and the Your Love Saves Lives campaign that launched and set up initial funding for innovative programming, equipment, and outreach. Thanks to the ongoing support of individual donors, organizations, and foundations, Friends of PACC is proud to share that life-saving is going strong at Pima Animal Care Center.
Read all about the last three years in our new PACC Renovation & Campaign Report that covers shelter innovations and pet stories from December 2017 – December 2020. A special section also envisions the future of Friends of PACC as we work to save even more pets and help more people who love them.