Lovely’s Fund for Neglected & Abused Pets
In loving memory of Lovely. You will never be forgotten.
Lovely's Fund for Neglected and Abused Pets honors the memory of a sweet little chihuahua who suffered tremendous cruelty at the hands of her owner. The fund is restricted to helping pets who are victims of extreme neglect and abuse by ensuring that they face no financial barriers to receiving the best care possible. You can read more of Lovely's story below.
Lovely, a small chihuahua mix, came to Pima Animal Care Center after her owner intentionally doused her in gasoline and set her on fire.
Over 50% of her body was severely burned, and she required around-the-clock care to manage pain and treat her wounds.
The veterinary team at PACC gave her the best care they could until it was time for her to see a specialty vet in Scottsdale. The community rallied to raise the funds for Lovely's care and volunteers transported her north immediately.
Unfortunately, after only a few days, Lovely passed from cardiac arrest. The Scottsdale vets tried, but were unable to save her. Her death was a devastating loss to all of the people she touched.
While Lovely's case was a particularly extreme one, the Animal Protection Officers at Pima Animal Care Center get over 200 calls per month to investigate possible neglect, abuse, and cruelty. With nearly 19,000 pets coming into the shelter each year, that's a large percentage of suffering animals.
Pima Animal Care Center will continue to answer the call, in every case for every animal, because every life matters here.
Please donate today to support Lovely's legacy of compassion and share her story with #LovelysLegacy.