Top Five Saves - #2 Corazon's Journey
Corazon is a young, handsome cat that came to Pima Animal Care Center when his owners could no longer meet his medical needs. At just two years old he suffered from chronic UTIs and urethral obstructions, both of which can be life-threatening in cats. If left untreated, urinary blockages can lead to kidney failure and death within 48 hours. A month after coming into the shelter he obstructed again and went to a foster home until we could figure out how to get him the specialty surgery he needed.
His foster said that her favorite thing about him was “how loving he is, he never lets anything in life defeat him.” He always wanted to cuddle and spend time with people.
Thanks to your donations and a partnership with Austin Pets Alive, we were able to send Corazon and Dr. Wilcox, PACC’s Chief of Veterinary Services to Austin, Texas. While there, Dr. Wilcox learned how to perform a perineal urethrostomy on Corazon. This surgery opens the urethra at a different point and is the only permanent fix to chronic blockages in male cats whose urethras are particularly narrow.
Lifelong care and management of Corazon’s diet and stress levels will help him avoid UTIs and any other complications. Thankfully he was adopted and can spend the rest of his life in a loving, low-stress home.
Not only was Corazon’s life saved that day, but his journey to Austin ensured that more cats at PACC will receive the life-saving care they need. Dr. Wilcox will train the other three PACC veterinarians and together they will be able to save more cats like Corazon.
Dr. Wilcox with Corazon.
It is only with your donations that we can support ongoing professional development for the staff at PACC. These kind of opportunities simply don’t exist for the majority of government-run county shelters. And it’s only with this extra level of care and commitment through the support of our community that we can save 91% of the pets who come into our municipal shelter.
Your donations will provide more opportunities to expand medical services at PACC through orthopedic training, and the purchase of an ultrasound machine and training. Will you help the thousands of homeless, abandoned, and abused pets in our community get the care they need? Make a gift today and invest in their happy and healthy futures.