Ultrasound Machine Will Save More Pets
YOU did it! Thanks to the incredible generosity of our community we were able to purchase an ultrasound machine and training for the Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) clinic.
Dr. Wayt works with the SonoSite representative to check Carmela’s internal organs on the new ultrasound.
A generous matching campaign by an anonymous local family on AZ Gives Day 2020, ensured that the total goal was met!
The machine arrived at the clinic this month and training began. There’s still more to learn, but the vets and techs got to work right away utilizing the new machine to help pets.
With the ultrasound, pets in critical condition will be evaluated and treated right away without having to endure potentially painful and stressful transport to an expensive off-site specialist. Not only that, but a faster diagnosis means more immediate and effective pain management, prognosis, and care.
The ultrasound provides imaging of soft tissues and aids in needle placement for nerve blocks. Diagnoses of damage to internal organs and evaluation of potentially pregnant pets is just a fraction of what the ultrasound will help with.
“This will help us save more lives right here at PACC,” said Dr. Wilcox, PACC’s Chief of Veterinary Services. With so many safety protocols changing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important now than ever before that PACC can treat as many animals on-site as possible. Not only is on-site treatment better for the most severely injured pets, but saving thousands of dollars on costly visits to off-site specialists will allow Friends of PACC to re-direct funding to other emergent shelter and community needs.
Dr. Wayt checks Carmela’s bladder, suspected of being ruptured after she was hit by a car.
Thousands of the 18,400+ pets that need PACC’s care every year require medical care. It is only through community support to Friends of PACC that medical needs outside of basic treatment options are made possible. Donations support professional development of PACC veterinarians, including the ultrasound, orthopedic surgery, and dental surgery trainings; prosthetic and mobility consultations; life-saving medications; and supplies like neo-natal kitten formula and incubators.
The clinic sees more than a dozen trauma cases every week and thanks to Friends of PACC donors, more of those lives will be saved!