Give Love & Hope


Rilee (left) was abandoned as a puppy with deformed front legs, and is still growing with the help of her leg braces. Spriggan (center) was saved from a trailer with 30 other cats and no air conditioning. He is safe now and looking for his forever home! Mocha (right) suffered from severe, untreated Valley Fever. She beat the odds with innovative treatment and is in a loving home.

All of these pets were saved thanks to support from friends like you.

In November alone, Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) took in 1,568 pets and adopted out 1,149, achieving a live release rate of 92%. Our goal is to give every pet a fair chance at a happy and healthy life, and to serve as a true safety net for pets who need help.

PACC is the only open admission shelter for Pima County and your support is critically needed to help us save the lives of all the pets who need us.

This holiday season, there are so many pets still waiting for their chances at a happy life. With your continued support, we can give them that chance. Your gift today will save their lives.

Friends of PACC