Friends of Pima Animal Care Center

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Maddie’s Fund® Apprenticeship Program

Thanks to Maddie, rescue and shelter workers came from all over the country to learn from Pima Animal Care Center’s progressive, nationally-renowned team. During the Maddie’s® Medium and Large Adult Dog Foster Apprenticeship, participants learned how to create and/or expand the fostering program at their shelter, how to market fostered pets for adoption, and ways to get their communities more involved.

“Ultimately, we want to empower animal rescue organizations to make their foster programs successful. Something as simple as taking a dog out of the shelter overnight can work wonders for their behavior and, ultimately, their adoptability, too,” said Kristen Auerbach, Director of PACC.

In addition to the invaluable programming from Maddie’s Fund®, participants also toured PACC, met with staff, and learned about many of PACC’s own life-saving programs. Tanna Riggs from Utah Valley Animal Rescue in Spanish Fork, Utah, was particularly interested in the PACC foster program that pairs orphaned kittens with memory care center residents, saying that the program could be game-changing for her shelter.

Thanks to Maddie’s Fund®, a $60,000 grant has empowered twenty-four communities this year!